Publications & Studies
The University of Utah Visual Perception and Spatial Cognition Research Group is an interdisciplinary group studying how people process information for use in spatial behavior.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality is used extensively for research in this lab.
Gill, D. M., Ruginski, I. T., Butner, J., Geuss, M. N., Stefanucci, J. K., & Creem-Regehr, S. H. (2018). Investigating
Insight Generation and Decision Making with Visualizations in Real and Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of the Technology, Mind, and Society (pp. 1-1).
Gill, D. M., Ruginski, I. T., Butner, J., Geuss, M. N., Stefanucci, J. K., & Creem-Regehr, S. H. Investigating Insight
Generation and Decision Making with Visualizations in 2D and 3D Virtual Environments.
Non-Author Consultation & Contributions
Pointon, G., Thompson, C., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J., & Bodenheimer, B. (2018, March). Affordances as a
measure of perceptual fidelity in augmented reality. In 2018 IEEE VR 2018 Workshop on Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in AR (PERCAR) (pp. 1-6)
Barhorst-Cates, E.M., Stoker, J., Stefanucci, J.K. et al. Using virtual reality to assess dynamic self-motion and landmark
cues for spatial updating in children and adults. Mem Cogn 49, 572–585 (2021).
Barhorst-Cates, E.M., Stefanucci, J.K. & Creem-Regehr, S.H. A comparison of virtual locomotion methods in movement
experts and non-experts: testing the contributions of body-based and visual translation for spatial updating. Exp Brain Res 238, 1911–1923 (2020).
Pointon, G., Thompson, C., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J., Joshi, M., Paris, R., & Bodenheimer, B. (2018, August).
Judging action capabilities in augmented reality. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (pp. 1-8).
Wu, H., Adams, H., Pointon, G., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S., & Bodenheimer, B. (2019, March). Danger from the
deep: A gap affordance study in augmented reality. In 2019 IEEE conference on virtual reality and 3d user interfaces (VR) (pp. 1775-1779). IEEE.
Saxon, M. A., Thomas, B. J., Stefanucci, J. K., & Creem-Regehr, S. H. (2019). Does Avatar Presence Facilitate
Affordance Judgments from Different Perspectives?. Journal of Vision, 19(10), 221c-221c.
Gagnon, H. C., Na, D., Heiner, K., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S., & Bodenheimer, B. (2020, March). The role of
viewing distance and feedback on affordance judgments in augmented reality. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 922-929). IEEE.
Gagnon, H., Na, D., Heiner, K., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S., & Bodenheimer, B. (2020). Judgments of Passing
Through Augmented Reality Apertures: The Role of Viewing Distance and Feedback. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 262-262.
Saxon, M. A., Thomas, B. J., Stefanucci, J. K., & Creem-Regehr, S. H. (2020). Investigating Cues for Perspective-Taking
in Virtual Reality. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 767-767.
Gagnon, H. C., Rohovit, T., Finney, H., Zhao, Y., Franchak, J. M., Stefanucci, J. K., ... & Creem-Regehr, S. H. (2021,
March). The effect of feedback on estimates of reaching ability in virtual reality. In 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 798-806). IEEE.
Gagnon, H. C., Zhao, Y., Richardson, M., Pointon, G. D., Stefanucci, J. K., Creem-Regehr, S. H., & Bodenheimer, B.
(2021). Gap affordance judgments in mixed reality: Testing the role of display weight and field of view. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2, 22.
Stefanucci, J. K., Creem-Regehr, S., & Bodenheimer, B. (2021, October). Comparing Distance Judgments in Real and
Augmented Reality. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct) (pp. 82-86). IEEE.
Gagnon, H. C., Na, D., Heiner, K., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S., & Bodenheimer, B. (2021, October). Walking
Through Walls: The Effect of Collision-Based Feedback on Affordance Judgments in Augmented Reality. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct) (pp. 266-267). IEEE.
Rohovit, T., Gagnon, H., Finney, H., Zhao, Y., Franchak, J., Stefanucci, J., ... & Bodenheimer, B. (2021). Integrating
feedback to improve reaching estimates in virtual reality. Journal of Vision, 21(9), 2162-2162.
Gagnon, H. C., Rosales, C. S., Mileris, R., Stefanucci, J. K., Creem-Regehr, S. H., & Bodenheimer, R. E. (2021).
Estimating distances in action space in augmented reality. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), 18(2), 1-16.
Gagnon, H. C., Buck, L., Smith, T. N., Narasimham, G., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S. H., & Bodenheimer, B.
(2020, September). Far distance estimation in mixed reality. In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2020 (pp. 1-8).