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Shadownest is a competitive asymmetrical game where 3 players play as Scientists trying to escape, while 1 player plays as a Monster trying to kill them.

Shadownest was a game developed in Unity in 1 semester (about 3 months total development time) by a team of 9 students (4 Engineers, 3 Level Designers, and 2 Artists).

For Shadownest, as a team we intentionally chose to develop a game that pushed the scope of what could reasonably be finished in the time period. As such, we chose to pursue a game with Asymmetric goals for different teams (which has historically been hard to design) and which included online multiplayer (a stretch within that time frame considering I was the only engineer with any experience writing netcode).

My responsibilities were primarily programming the monster mechanics, writing netcode, and fixing networking issues in other portions of the codebase.

The game uses the Mirror Networking library ( which is a networking library for Unity using the high level RPC (Remote Procedure Call) design pattern.

© 2022 — Joshua Butner.

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